Your First 100 Days in Internet Marketing

Internet marketing draws people from many different backgrounds. It is as diverse an industry as you will ever find. People from all walks of life and countries all over the world have carved out a piece of the internet for themselves with varying degrees of success, and more people climb aboard every day!

If you have a computer and an internet connection, you can be in business today. The relatively low barriers to entry make this business a fascinating destination for many. With this experience comes the knowledge that someone somewhere is willing to pay for it.

But the most common question is, How do I? How do I take the information I have and put it on paper or in a word processor? How do I package it? How do I price it? Advertise, distribute, or sell it? All logical questions are for the uninitiated.

So what happens? You go out and buy the knowledge you need to complete these tasks, but something happens along the way. You wind up spending a small fortune on titles like “How to Get Everything You Ever Wanted Out of Internet Marketing” for just $37.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way! How do I know? On October 6th, 2006, I started my internet marketing career, and I can tell you there were times when I had to take my credit card out of my wallet with asbestos gloves. After learning a very expensive lesson, I decided I was going to help those who have come after me avoid such pitfalls. That’s how I came up with the idea behind this blog post.

Right now, I am passing this information on to anyone willing to listen, and I suggest you read every word closely and take my advice and suggestions.


Because the most valuable lesson you can learn is the one someone else paid for! In this blog post you will:

1. Learn the top 10 steps to take in your first 100 days

2. Learn who the top 10 people are that you need to be listening to

3. Find out who the top 10 people are to avoid BEFORE you take out your wallet!

4. And my favorite, learn what separates an internet marketer from an opportunity seeker!

You will also find out:

1. Who is the best hosting company, and why?

2. Who is the best registrar? It’s not who you might think!

3. What software should you use even if you cannot write one line of HTML code?

The tips, tricks, and recommendations will hopefully help you avoid the pitfalls that most internet marketers make while showing you step-by-step how to raise the bar just a little bit higher than yesterday.

Remember, a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, or the first 100 days!

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